Intervision on team dynamics

Registration for this event is now closed

Odoo • Image and Text

What is intervision?

Intervision is a form of knowledge development in a small group of professionals who share a common challenge or problem.

A participant introduces a problem or challenge to a group of peers, and they discuss and dissect the problem by asking open questions about the problem and approaches the case provider has already attempted. At the end, they explain how they view the problem and offer some free advice.

This often results in valuable new insights that the case provider can use.

Why participate?

Write one or two paragraphs describing your product or services.
To be successful your content needs to be useful to your readers.

We offer the platform, technical support and facilitation. We invite you to bring your own problem and challenge, and go through the intervision session with the others. Ot just come, bring your experience and help others get new insights. And next time, maybe the group can help you if you have a challenge yourself.

Odoo • Text and Image
Odoo • Image and Text

Topic and target group

The intervision group is about team dynamics in a company context. We hope agile coaches, scrum masters, team leads and managers will join to help their peers.

We want to bring these intervision sessions as a community service, so they are free of charge.

Please feel free to bring topics and other suggestions. We plan two sessions; if there is a need, other sessions will follow...


From 20/01/2022 17:00
To 20/01/2022 19:00


+32 (0)474 891 705

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